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Request For Comments - RFC140

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NWG                                                Steve Crocker
RFC - 140                                          UCLA
NIC - 6725                                         4 May 71

                     AGENDA FOR THE MAY NWG MEETING

    The NWG meeting will be from 8 p.m., Sunday, May 16 through
Wednesday evening May 19.  All meetings except Sunday night will take
place in the Wicker Room of the Dennis Hotel.  The Sunday even- ing
meeting will take place in the Royal Box Room of the Dennis Hotel.
Evening meetings will start at 8 p.m.  Afternoon meetings at 1:30 p.m.
and morning meetings at 9 a.m.  We will meet Sunday evening, all day
Monday (three sessions), Tuesday morning and evening and Wednesday
evening.  At times when we are not meeting you are invited to use the
Wicker Room for private meetings or whatever.  It is reserved thru
Thursday afternoon.

    Below are the topics to be discussed in each meeting and the list
of relevant RFC numbers which should be read prior to coming.

TIME: Sunday evening
TITLE: Short Reports                         (RFC's 113, 131, 134)

Each host will give a very short -- five minutes or less -- report on
their state of development, including hardware, NCP and Telnet and
including any applications in progress or planned.  In addition, the
committees will summarize their progress and new sites will introduce
themselves.  More extended committee reports and discussions will take
place later.

TIME: Monday morning
TITLE: NIC and Telnet                        (RFC's 103, 106, 112, 109,
                                              110, 115, 118, 137, 139)

At 9:00 a.m. Dick Watson will talk about the status, plans and policies
of the NIC.

At 10:00 a.m. Tom O'Sullivan will present the Telnet committee's
proposed protocol and lead a discussion concerning it.

TIME: Monday afternoon
TITLE: File Transfer, TIP, Network Planning   (RFC's 114, 122, 133, 136)
       and other ARPA Projects

                                                                [Page 1]

1) Abhai Bhushan of MAC and Jim White of UCSB will discuss their file
transfer protocols.

2) BBN representatives will talk about the TIP, including
specifications, delivery schedules, prices and protocols.

3) Bob Kahn and Larry Roberts will talk about several aspects of the
Network management and the long-range network planning.  This will be an
opportunity for questions on who will manage the Network, how it will
grow and what sites will come on to be directly addressed to Larry.

4) Some other projects are in progress which affect many of the ARPA
sites and are not centered in any particular site.  These include
efforts to produce a list-processing system and a speech understanding

TIME: Monday evening
TITLE: Operating Systems and Networks

The protocols being developed in the Network Working Group are similar
to interprocesses communication facilities within operating systems.  It
is not fully understood how these protocols should be built, and what
the tradeoffs are for alternatives; the same can be said for
interprocess communication facilities in operating systems.  From time
to time it is suggested that there would be some payoff in studying
these matters from an academic point of view, not quite so tied to the
pressure of producing a particular system.

Professor Art J. Bernstein of SUNY Stonybrook writes:

     "The problem of designing an operating system for a computer which
     is to be imbedded in a network has received little attention.  In
     addition to providing those capabilities one normally expects from
     an advanced multi-programmed system such as file sharing, inter-
     process communication and a hierarchical process structure, such a
     system should be structured so that, as nearly as possible, a user
     process is ig- norant of the actual location in the network of the
     files and processes with which it is interacting."

He is building an operating system for a PDP-15 based on this philosophy
and will come to make a short presentation on his system, after which we
will discuss how to organize interaction among various academic efforts,
including those not within the ARPA community.

                                                                [Page 2]

TIME: Tuesday morning
TITLE: Data of Reconfiguration Service and    (RFC's 138 and one yet to come
       Data Management Systems                 by Shoshani)

At 9:00 a.m. John Heafner of RAND will meet with his committee and
discuss some of the open issues regarding the proposed data
reconfiguration service.  This meeting is open to other interested

At 10:00 a.m. Arie Shoshani of SDC will chair a meeting on data sharing
on computer networks.  He writes:

     "The main purpose of the meeting is to discuss the subject of
     sharing data on Computer Networks.  First, an intro- ductory paper
     will be presented which will attempt to classify the issues
     involved, discuss some approaches that one can take to achieve data
     sharing and to point out some ad- vantages and disadvantages of
     these approaches.  Then, an open discussion will be conducted.  As
     a result, recommenda- tions will be attempted as to what approach
     is best for the ARPA-Network, and possibly set up a commitee of
     interested people to further investigate the problems.  It is
     expected that participants will be prepared to discuss briefly data
     management system they have or plan to have on the ARPA network."

Peggy Karp of MITRE will attend and talk about the data management
system she is building to use facilities at BBN and UCSB.

TIME: Tuesday evening
TITLE: Remaining Technical Matters        (RFC's 107, 117, 123, 124, 127
                                           128, 129 and 132)

The issues scheduled for this meeting are discussions of the socket
numbers, procedures for testing NCP's and Telnets, discussion of ways to
experiment with protocol, the initial connection protocol and remaining
glitches in the second level protocol.

TIME: Wednesday evening
TITLE: Non-Technical Matters              (RFC 113)

                                                                [Page 3]

The Network Working Group has grown and changed considerably in the last
two years.  It now represents a strong voice in network planning but is
perhaps not optimally organized for technical work. At this meeting we
will consider what we expect to happen by the end of 1971, what steps
should be taken to achieve this and, in particular, how the Network
Working Groups should be organized and managed.

       [ This RFC was put into machine readable form for entry ]
         [ into the online RFC archives by Gert Doering 4/97 ]

                                                                [Page 4]

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