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Core Team Profiles - Stephen Saunders

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Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Stephen is a senior software developer for Knowledge Navigators International, Inc. He is also an experienced UNIX administrator, and an accomplished instructor and course author in the subjects of Java programming, UNIX use, configuration and administration, and web technologies. He holds degrees in English and Computing Sciences from Dalhousie University.

Articles By Stephen Saunders:

112. Friday 21st August 1998 - Mouse Event Handling in Java 1.0
Stephen Saunders describes how to use the mouse event handlers in Java 1.0

Java, Mouse Event Handling, events, methods, mouseUp(), mouseDown(), mouseMove(), mouseDrag(), mouseEnter(), mouseExit(), graphics, getGraphics(), drawLine()

Software Reviews By Stephen Saunders:

019. - Symantec Visual Cafe DDE
Stephen Saunders evaluates Symantec's Java IDE with database development features.

software,buy software,java,java ide,symantec,visual ide,database development,programming

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