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Core Team Profiles - Jamie McHale

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Bedfordshire, England

I know a range of web authoring languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, VBScript, Active Server Pages etc. and have also had experience in programming with Visual Basic. I also know the fundamentals of web design and usability and hope to learn more about e-commerce systems.

Aside from my PC I like reading (Terry Pratchett and Bill Bryson), listening to a wide range of music (including Runrig - A decent Scottish band), going on cycle tours of Europe and learning about 20th Century history. I also enjoy running occasionally and paint the occasional picture.

Software Reviews By Jamie McHale:

011. - Microsoft Visual InterDev 6.0
Jamie McHale gives Microsoft's web application development tool the once over.

software, reviews, programs, buy software, purchase software, Microsoft Visual Interdev 6.0, Jamie McHale, Database tools, Active Server Pages, ASP, HTML, FrontPage Extensions, FrontPage 98, HTML Editor, Web applications, Visual Studio, teamwork

©2018 Martin Webb