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Core Team Profiles - Graeme Williams

You are here: irt.org | About | Profiles | Graeme Williams

Web sites:

Graeme manages his Shades of Gray site, and http://www.AlphaAdvantage.com.


Norwich, Norfolk, UK


Software Engineer - specializing in Win95 C++ application development.

Personal details:

Computer Science graduate. Has worked in the PC environment for 12 years. Hobbies are playing Dungeons and Dragons, playing bridge, listening to Lou Reed and the Velvet Underground, and getting to grips with Web Accessibility.

Articles By Graeme Williams:

102. Friday 17th July 1998 - Introduction to Web Accessibility
This article, written by Graeme Williams, introduces you to the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI.) The WAI is about providing guidelines that web authors should follow in order to make their pages more accessible for people with disabilities and more useful to indexing robots.

HTML, HTML 4.0, Web Accessibility Initiative, WAI, Cascading Style Sheets, CSS, Tables, ACCESSKEY, SUMMARY, ALT, TITLE, LONGDESC

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