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Core Team Profiles Profile

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This page contains information about the core team members of irt.org. A Core Team Member is someone who has actually done something positive and continues to do something positive for irt.org, e.g. writes articles, maintains a FAQ, edits articles, maintains our site, writes CGI scripts, creates advertising revenue/sponsorship.

Abby Beifeld
Amit Rangari
Andrew Connell
Andrew Shatwell
Ben Allen
Bill Huggins
Daniel Iversen
David Gardner
Enrique Reyes Sanchez
Graeme Williams
Ha Quach
Ian Gan
Jamie McHale
Janus Boye
Jason Nugent
Jason Turner
Josh Sahrmann
Jukka Korpela
Keith Drakard
Lawrence Elliot
Marco Brandizi
Martin Webb
Max Baker
Michael Bednarek
Michel Plungjan
Pankaj Kamthan
Pat Magnan
Paul Rundle
Rafael Coletti
Rafal Koszyk
Richard Lowe
Ryan Detert
Stephen Saunders
Swati Sani
Tarique Sani
Wing Yu

©2018 Martin Webb