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Challenge #04 - Minesweeper

You are here: irt.org | Games | Challenges | #04 - Minesweeper

A familiar desktop favourite, certainly if you've ever used Windows, Minesweeper is a race against the clock to uncover the hidden mines without setting one off.

How To Play

The game takes place on a grid of squares and a number of mines - the number of each depends on the level:

The clock starts when you first reveal a square and continues until you either correctly mark the position of all the mines, or set one off.

More information about Minesweeper can be found, for example, by searching AltaVista. Tips on how to play minesweeper (and some example graphics) can be found at Brian Chu's site.


  1. Winner: Tim Down - 85%
  2. Matthew Dean - 77%
  3. Jonathan Payne - 69%

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©2018 Martin Webb