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You are here: irt.org | FOLDOC | inode

A data structure holding information about files in a Unix file system. There is an inode for each file and a file is uniquely identified by the file system on which it resides and its inode number on that system. Each inode contains the following information: the device where the inode resides, locking information, mode and type of file, the number of links to the file, the owner's user and group ids, the number of bytes in the file, access and modification times, the time the inode itself was last modified and the addresses of the file's blocks on disk. A Unix directory is an association between file leafnames and inode numbers. A file's inode number can be found using the "-i" switch to ls.

Unix manual page: fs(5).

See also /usr/include/ufs/inode.h.

Nearby terms: inner join « inner product « InnovAda « inode » in-order traversal » inout » IN point

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