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You are here: irt.org | FOLDOC | POP-2

Robin POPplestone, Edinburgh, 1967. An innovative language incorporating many of Landin's ideas, including streams, closures, and functions as first-class citizens. ALGOL-like syntax. The first implementation was named Multi-POP, based on a REVPOL function written in POP-1, producing the reverse-polish form as output. "POP-2 Papers", R.M. Burstall et al, Oliver & Boyd 1968. "Programming in POP-2", R.M. Burstall et al, Edinburgh U Press 1971. "POP-2 User's Manual", R. Popplestone, Mach Intell 2, E. Dale et al eds, Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh 1968.

Nearby terms: POP-1 « POP-10 « Pop-11 « POP-2 » POP3 » POP-9X » POPART

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