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You are here: irt.org | FOLDOC | DTSS

<operating system> The first commercial time-sharing system, created by Dartmouth College and sold by General Electric around 1967.

GE's Information Service Divsion (ISD) marketed DTSS which was running on a system called GE-265 (a combination of the front-end processor the Datanet-30 and the GE-235).

DTSS was ported (and significantly improved by GE ISD around 1965-1966 on a combination of DN-30 and GE-635). This proprietary system, called Mk-II, later improved by GE and renamed Mk-III, is still working today (1997) as part of the GE service bureau that also includes IBM and Unix computers.


Nearby terms: DTP « DTR « DTS « DTSS » D-type » D-type flip-flop » du

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