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5th Glove

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<hardware, virtual reality> A data glove and flexor strip kit (5th Glove DFK) sold by Fifth Dimension Technologies for $495 ($345 for the left-handed version, $45 for each extra flexor strip). The DFK provides a data glove, a flexon strip (with an elbow or knee-joint sensor), an interface card, cables, and KineMusica software. The package uses flexible optical-bending sensing to track hand and arm movement. The glove can be used with 5DT's ultrasonic tracking system, the 5DT Head and Hand tracker ($245), which can track movement from up to two metres away from the unit's transmitter.


Nearby terms: 586 « 5ESS « 5NF « 5th Glove » 6.001 » 610 » 6309

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