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Feedback: Man-Handling Events #3

Feedback on: Man-Handling Events #3

Sent by Håkan Lidén on March 13, 2000 at 04:30:05: - feedback #919

You have an error (I think) in the sample page:

You are using "div.box" in your style information, which doesn't seem to work for "id=box". I suppose you should use "#box" in the style information instead.

Otherwise, thank you for the article.

Kind regards


Sent by Adam Edell on July 19, 2000 at 15:40:45: - feedback #1506

Worth reading

Seems that your IE example of mouse movement doesn't work for me (IE5 on NT4)...

Great site - great articles!

Sent by jim on November 30, 2002 at 22:54:43: - feedback #4296

Not technical enough

I have a question, I was wondering if you could help me out. I have a task that needs to be completed by a javascript code. I want to make a piano i created be able to record, replay, and reset the sequence of key selection, threw mouse clicks, because the user clicks the keys to make a sound. I want the mouse click sequence that the user creates by clicking the keys, to be recorded so the sequence in which was clicked will be remembered and replayed at users will by clicking play, also the stop option would be nice and reset memory would be great too. If you can help me out by providing me with a working code that I can link to my already working codes, that would be great!
thanks alot,
Jim Everett

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