Feedback on: FAQ Knowledge Base Q869
Very worth reading
Yes - worth reading but do you have any script that makes if awkward for the user intil they do fill in a form in a popup window?
Just right
You cant freeze the window but what I do is first make popup without any scroll capablility.
->in the popup.html <body scroll=no>
then in the popup.html add afew carrige returns (<br>) so you will be writing just past the end of what the person will see. Now add the text Working Please Wait.
Now in the <form> tag add onSubmit="scrollTo(popup window size,0)";
so if my popup was 300 pixles in hieght then ---> <form action="./cgi-bin/" name="form1" onSubmit="scrollTo(300,0)">
when user presses submit the window will scroll to see just the "working please wait"
then the CGI is initiated.