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Feedback on: irt.org FAQ Knowledge Base Q5826, February 26, 2000 at 15:35:33:

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Feedback on:
irt.org FAQ Knowledge Base Q5826

Sent by
Mike Smith on February 26, 2000 at 15:35:33:

Very worth reading

One comment and one enhancement:

1. The sample code has an unfortunate line break in the window.open line that causes the code to fail and while the sample has </head> and <body> tags, it does not have <html>,<head>,</body> or </html> tags.

2. Try these changes for a real "bar":

var w=2
function inccounter(runOnce) {
if (runOnce == 1) {
myFloater.document.write ("<font face='Verdana' size = 3> LOADING:</font><br>");
myFloater.document.write ("<form name=frm><INPUT TYPE=text WIDTH=2 NAME=box></FORM>");
else {
//myFloater.document.write ("<font face='Verdana' size = 2>*</font>");
w = w + 2
myFloater.frm.box.width = w

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