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Feedback: JavaScript FAQ Knowledge Base

Feedback on: JavaScript FAQ Knowledge Base

Sent by Michael B on February 10, 1999 at 16:25:18: - feedback #85

Very worth reading

Just right

Just right

Very nice. A worthy addition. On the question about randomising sounds there is a very small error: the last sentence mentions that the script will play a random sound file from sound1.htm to sound9.htm, when the extension should in fact be wav.
See you on the 20th!

Sent by Marc Weber on February 13, 1999 at 15:39:41: - feedback #89

Very worth reading

Just right

Just right

Hi Martin,

maybe I have an idea for
Q367 in 'windows':


<title>Neue Seite </title>
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">

function newBrowser()


<p>Hier öffnet sich ein <a href onClick="newBrowser()">neues Fenster</a> .</p>

Not very nice, but should work
(well, in IE4..).

By the way: your FAQs are great!


Sent by martin evers on February 24, 1999 at 07:43:09: - feedback #94

Very worth reading

Just right

Just right

Clear and well described.

Sent by Martin Battaliou on February 26, 1999 at 07:24:36: - feedback #95

Worth reading


Javascript can read any windows 95 text document using ie4. Check out my tutorial at http://www.angelfire.com/mb/bbep/javascript.html

Sent by Dante Ciolfi on March 09, 1999 at 15:46:12: - feedback #105

Very worth reading

Excellent website. However, I had one minor problem with the following page:
There is a link about 65% down the page entitled:
"I need to know if there's anyway to get Netscape to let you dynamically resize your images through JavaScript?" Is the linked document the correct one? Thanks again for an excellent site.
Dante Ciolfi

Sent by Mark Boisvert on March 10, 1999 at 15:40:20: - feedback #107

Very worth reading

I have been using the JavaScript FAQ Knowledge Base quite consistently over the past few days. It has been EXTREMEMLY helful. Since this site has been so helpful to me, I just wanted to point out a possible solution to Q272. I noticed that you solved the problem by depending on frames. However, this solution only works provided the hidden frame remains when URLs change. Another possible solution that will work all the time (it took me much time to figure this out) is as follows:

function MyOpen(url, name, features)
var aWindow = open("", name, features);

if( aWindow.location.href == "about:blank" )
aWindow.location.replace( url );

When you pass the open function a "" for the url, it does not change the url of the existing window (if indeed it does exist... otherwise it creates one with a href of "about:blank"). This works just as good as checking to see if the window exists.


Sent by Ray Stott on March 12, 1999 at 07:56:14: - feedback #108

Very worth reading

Hey Martin,
I have another solution for this FAQ.
Do you know of anyway to have JavaScript retrieve data from a .txt file located on the server?

If you use frames you can reload a frame with the data in it that is then written to a text object in a form. I have done this and it works great.

Just thought I would mention that.


Sent by Matt on March 12, 1999 at 20:33:10: - feedback #109

Very worth reading

Just right

Too technical

Your Java scripts are very good but, the one that stops my website provider from opening a pop up widow, will not work. Is there any other scrips or html that might work?

Sent by Auke Reitsma on March 13, 1999 at 16:57:18: - feedback #110

Not worth reading

It WOULD be useful if it worked!

But it does not work either in NS4 or MSIE4 (SP1)

Please note that the same problems occur in related articles and supply a working demo.
I tried your stuff 'as is'.

Sent by P. J. Fischer on March 13, 1999 at 18:14:46: - feedback #111

Very worth reading

Too short

Hey there . . .
First, I wish to tell you that I found you JavaScript FAQ section very informative . . . have gained alot more knowledge, and plan on implementing some of the techniques in the future.
I do wish to comment on one of your answers. The URL of this specific issue is as follows :

Q545: Is there a way to make a link that when clicked will add the current page to the user's bookmarks or favourites, i.e. a link that simulates Ctrl+D?
Answer: NO

The above answer is not correct. There is a command that is accepted by MIE 4.0 (and AOL 4.0) but is not directed appropriately within the NetScape environment.
Note: I have only tried this within the WINDOWS 95 operating system.
An example of the command is as follows :
<A CLASS=sect HREF=': Add to my favorites folder' ONDRAGSTART='return false' onclick='window.external.AddFavorite("http://www.insideDHTML.com","Inside Dynamic HTML");return false'><FONT FACE='geneva,arial,sans-serif' SIZE=1 COLOR=black><EM>Add to my Favorites</EM></FONT></A>

You may wish to append your previous answer, so future visitors might be better advised.

Thanx so much for your informative web-site . . . I have gained lots of knowledge as well as insight.

Please verify unto me that you have received this posting.

P. J.

Sent by Susan Meyer on March 17, 1999 at 10:45:24: - feedback #115

Worth reading

Terminology point: Where in the world did you come up with the term "object-orientated"???
Whatever happened to "object oriented," which I see in every other textbook & website out there.

Damages the credibility of your knowledgebase to misuse such a fundamental term.

No offense, just look it up.

Sent by Peter J. Schoenster on March 18, 1999 at 16:15:17: - feedback #117

Worth reading


Best site on javascript I have seen yet and I have seen many.

What I don't like is that in some articles you say that X is possible but you don't show exactly how to do it.

I reckon I want to do something that most people would want to do.

I want to write values to hidden fields to a form.

Specifically these:
· Operating system used by the visitor
· Browser type
· Screen resolution
· Color depth
· Time survey was taken
· Referrer location

Where can I get those (for both NN and IE 4 and up). Any real online examples? I saw the thing with the images but that won't work for this.


Sent by Alisa Krause on March 23, 1999 at 15:52:48: - feedback #123

Not worth reading

I could not use the answer to "Q7 How do you round a number to a X decimal places?". At least in Netscape 4.05, you cannot multiply decimal numbers and expect a correct answer. For instance, in Netscape 4.05, 74.85 * Math(10,2) = 7485.999999. I'm guessing this is because Javascript treats these numbers as floating point, and therefore handles the decimals imprecisely. My solution is to work in integers for doing calculations, and then convert them to decimals whenever I need to display them (such as in a calculator). Any other insights would be greatly appreciated.

Sent by anonymous on March 24, 1999 at 05:48:05: - feedback #124

This script throws an error in ie4 on NT4 - 'class does not support automation'.

Sent by Simon Edwards on March 24, 1999 at 19:44:26: - feedback #125

Very worth reading

The answer to Q147 is Not Quite Right. Use the getUTCXXXX() functions to avoid time zone mistmatch errors.

Sent by Morten Wang on March 30, 1999 at 07:32:04: - feedback #134

Worth reading

Just right

Just right

http://www.irt.org/script/272.htm says that a hidden frame is the only way to get to a previously opened window. this is'n exactly true. 'window.open("", "window_name")' returns a handle to the window, and you can from there manipulate the window as if it was openened by the page. the problem lies with actually knowing that the window is opened. I chose to use cookies, but 'location.search' should also be a solution. a hidden frame is the third. there should be a solution mentioned for those that do not wish to use frames, in my opinion.

Sent by Kristof Donne on April 06, 1999 at 08:00:11: - feedback #139

Very worth reading

Just right

Just right

Maybe there's an answer to your
question 311 : How do I disable the "Back" button of a browser?

Check this page from Inside DHTML : Leaving the past behind.


Maybe something for your site ?

Kristof Donne

Sent by Jeff Strickland on April 08, 1999 at 13:24:38: - feedback #141

Very worth reading

The absolute best source for JavaScript information hands down! Keep up the good work.

Sent by Peter Schonefeld on April 14, 1999 at 01:26:43: - feedback #153

Worth reading

Just right

Just right

Thank you for providing this valuable, "life-saving" reference site.

Sent by Peter Torr on April 14, 1999 at 02:22:00: - feedback #154

Just looked very quickly at your site, and it looks good.

One of the questions I looked at is the "How do I send e-mail from JavaScript?". The answer is wrong (http://www.irt.org/script/134.htm). The e-mailing of a form will work in Internet Explorer 4 (and maybe 3).

Also, I have a JScript FAQ (still in progress...) that takes a slightly different approach - it deals with broader issues than just "how do I do <bla>?".

Anyway, I'll be linking to your site soon, and maybe you could do the same?




Sent by Stuart Calder on April 17, 1999 at 09:32:30: - feedback #162

Very worth reading

Just right

Just right

Brilliant source of information

Sent by Jan Garefelt on April 21, 1999 at 09:47:33: - feedback #169

Worth reading

Just right

...you've got bugs on http://www.irt.org/script/254.htm

First of all: The backslash that appears before all slashes shouldn't be there.

Also, you have omitted the </SCRIPT>-tag. But the page provided the information I needed, so I'm happy with it.

Sent by Gina Hawkins on April 25, 1999 at 00:52:25: - feedback #172

Very worth reading

I'm creating my first web page and have spent many long hours figuring out what to do. I started searching the web when I wanted to find out how to open links in a separate window (many different links). After suffering through many pages that didn't have what I wanted, or didn't explain things very well, I was extremely satisfied when I found your page. I just cut and pasted, and everything worked fine! Thank you!!

Sent by Ned Johnson on April 28, 1999 at 11:03:41: - feedback #174

Very worth reading

Just right

There seems to be a typo on page http://www.irt.org/script/258.htm.

Presumably MISE in the following code should read MSIE.

if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf('MISE 3') > -1)

Just thought you'd like to know. And thanks for the wonderful resource.

Sent by Trent Tucker on April 28, 1999 at 11:32:42: - feedback #175

Very worth reading

Just right

Just right

An excellent source for all things JavaScript! I bookmarked it straight away! Much better (deeper) than some of the "commercial" sites. I haven't been able to find the definitive answer to my JS question, so I'll post that next. Thanks

Sent by Tom Stamm on April 28, 1999 at 15:18:37: - feedback #176

Very worth reading

Just right

Just right

I just read q388 (using non-alpha form names) and the solution provided didn't work for me in IE4. It works in Netscape 4 though. Even using the notation:


I get an error in IE4 saying that it is not an object.

Sent by Morten Wang on April 30, 1999 at 05:42:05: - feedback #178

Worth reading

http://www.irt.org/script/481.htm gives an ActiveX-component to do printing in IE4/3. Microsoft has also released a script for doing printing in IE4 as well as a thorough explanation of window.print() in IE5. URL is http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdn-online/workshop/author/script/dhtmlprint.asp

Sent by Dewayne Johnson on April 30, 1999 at 14:40:58: - feedback #180

Very worth reading

Just right

Just right

Y'all do a great job explaining some complex issues in the various FAQs and Knowledge bases. Keep up the great work.

Sent by Stephanie Westbrook on May 05, 1999 at 15:11:57: - feedback #184

Very worth reading

Just right

Just right

Can I print the current page using JavaScript on both NN and MSIE?

In regards to the above question, the solution you provided to print from MSIE will only work on a windows platform. It relies on a com object which does not exist on the macintosh.

Sent by Tom Van Vleck on May 29, 1999 at 13:03:57: - feedback #207

Very worth reading

I'd like another FAQ: Things You Can't Do.
It could have sub-sections for
.. because of security
.. because of bugs
.. because of holes in the language
.. because of missing browser features

This would save time when looking for
a way to do things.

Sent by Tim Lebsanft on June 08, 1999 at 02:04:42: - feedback #226

Very worth reading

Just right

Just right

Well I haven't even come close to reading about all the stuff I want to know about and I think it might take me a while.

The best way to show my appreciation is


Boy, is my web page gonna be a pearla!!!

Sent by chip chenery on June 21, 1999 at 22:22:52: - feedback #249

Worth reading

Just right

Just right

I tried to use the "Ask a Question" link at the bottom and was given an error page.

I would like to use Javascript mouseovers in one frame <navbar>, but would also like the highlight state to remain if the target page is loaded in the other frame. Is there a way to do this?

I guess it would be a mashing of mouseover and frame detection. I presume that it would mean a pretty long javascript if I had 10 buttons with mouseovers and target ages to detect. Sounds inelegant.


Sent by chip chenery on June 21, 1999 at 22:24:32: - feedback #250

Worth reading

Just right

Just right

**** Sorry, I forgot something. presuming that there is a script out there to do this, would it get snarled by a back button event? *****

----- previous question ------
I tried to use the "Ask a Question" link at the bottom and was given an error page.

I would like to use Javascript mouseovers in one frame <navbar>, but would also like the highlight state to remain if the target page is loaded in the other frame. Is there a way to do this?

I guess it would be a mashing of mouseover and frame detection. I presume that it would mean a pretty long javascript if I had 10 buttons with mouseovers and target ages to detect. Sounds inelegant.


Sent by shashikumarnl on June 22, 1999 at 07:59:34: - feedback #252

Not technical enough

how to validate email in form fields

Sent by gloria on July 02, 1999 at 14:33:18: - feedback #275

Too short


i am looking for a simple answer as to why when i am in yahoo chat i constantly get warning applet window signs that say ? yes or no and i am constantly freezing while the html reloads ( i guess that is how to put it) must continually click refresh button and even that does not always work- i can be anywhere eles on internette but yahoo chat and have no problems- and another constant is a close or ignore sign which i usually cannot ignore - thank you

Sent by Robin Harrison on July 11, 1999 at 21:36:52: - feedback #294

Very worth reading

Just a bug fix for the article Q590

Here's a bug fixed version of the start of the startTimer function.

function startTimer() {
myTimer = setTimeout('myFunction()',10000); // myTimer holds the id of the timer
timerRunning = true; // whenever you start a timer set the timerRunning flag to true

Sent by Lisa Reed on November 16, 1999 at 09:00:00: - feedback #592

Very worth reading

Couldn't find an answer to this questions:

How do I open a pop-up window (that fits to the screen and does not have any buttons or scroll) when a user visits my website and then close the original window?

NOTE: I tried to ask this question by clicking on the "ASK A QUESTION" link but got an error 404.

Sent by James Gunn on December 17, 1999 at 05:30:11: - feedback #667

Very worth reading

Regarding the FAQ on "Disabling Broswer Back Button"... How about putting in previous web page: javascript:window.history.forward(1); ??
Seems to work.
Let me know what you think.

Sent by Dave Thaler on January 02, 19100 at 10:36:18: - feedback #692

Not worth reading

Your answer to the question of calculating the days between two dates is wrong.

You should be using getFullYear not getYear. getYear is obsolete and is implemented differently by different browers. Some report 2000 as 2000, others as 100.

Sent by Dave Thaler on January 02, 19100 at 10:37:07: - feedback #693

Not worth reading

As an added bonus, your confirmation page shows the
submission date year as "100"
which is equally wrong.

Sent by Adam Traidman on January 20, 2000 at 21:07:10: - feedback #752

Very worth reading

I can't seem to add a question, the links are all broken. What is up?

Sent by Oliver Vilsecker on January 29, 2000 at 08:42:58: - feedback #774

Just right

Just right

The link to "Ask a question" did not work.

So I thought I could use this form to ask my question:

Is there any way to use the onMouseOver event with DIV or SPAN tags in Netscape Navigator ?

Sent by Jim Robinson on March 06, 2000 at 10:52:33: - feedback #902

Worth reading

Just right

Just right

Q157 Is there a way for me to validate a form BEFORE submit so it will never arrive at the page?

In regards to the above article, I would have also mentioned using the onBlur event handler to validate each part of the form as you fill it out. (Of course, I usually use the onSubmit return method myself.) But this is a valid, if rather unweildy way of validating each item as you pass them.

By the way, I love this resource. Keep up the great work!

Sent by Hong Jin on March 14, 2000 at 14:31:51: - feedback #929

Very worth reading

I have looking for a good resource of Javascript for a long time. This is one is the best I've ever seen. It not only provide me with answers to all kinds of problems I have at work, also I found out tons of stuff I am interested in.

If you can also find somebody to provide information on ASP, that would be excellent for all the professinals.

Thank you very much for provide us with such a wonderful knowledge base.

Sent by K.R.SIVA KUMAR on April 04, 2000 at 02:45:34: - feedback #1032

Very worth reading

It's really worth to browse it.
It's make the subject very strong

Sent by Allan on April 13, 2000 at 14:01:07: - feedback #1087

This is not feed back because the ask a question form is down. I am using a <IFRAME> and I need to know the java script that I can also use so it works in Netscape!!

Sent by Bart Everson on May 19, 2000 at 12:00:16: - feedback #1258

Very worth reading

Just right

Just right

I believe this code:
..is in error.

I think the correct syntax is to omit the "href" like so:

Sent by Dave on August 02, 2000 at 21:59:45: - feedback #1571

Very worth reading


I am using the script from Q337 for a dropdown menu to open pop up windows. It works great in IE5.0. I have 10 menus working in IE5.0, but will not load in Netscape 4.73. The only thing that will load in Netscape is the (G0) button. I use 40tude HTML software and have never had any problems with it.

Thank you,

Sent by Chris on August 11, 2000 at 01:14:36: - feedback #1617

Very worth reading

Just right

Just right

My only gripe is that when you suggest that the visitor read an article on this site, you do not provide any link to that article.

IMO, that would be a very nice touch, and very helpful.

Sent by Jeff on August 24, 2000 at 17:40:12: - feedback #1667

Very worth reading

It's just not as accurate or correct as the reader would like to see. The thing that's most damaging to the novice web developer is to see statments that are global or all inclusive/exclusive such as the one that was listed in this JavaScript FAQ Knowledge Base.

Here's a method that is very helpful when attempting to control the select boxes size (in #'s of rows tall) or width (in cm or mm's wide): <keep in mind the 'size' parm here is for MULTIPLE select boxes, not used for width>

<select name="PayorCode" style="width:65mm" multiple size=7>

Further note, I actually learned this on a competitor's site.


Sent by Jeff on August 24, 2000 at 17:42:38: - feedback #1668

Very worth reading

It's just not as accurate or correct as the reader would like to see. The thing that's most damaging to the novice web developer is to see statments that are global or all inclusive/exclusive such as the one that was listed in this JavaScript FAQ Knowledge Base.

"Q67 How can I control the width of a select box?

You can only increase the width by padding out an entry with multiple ' '.

Alternatively you could have a dummy entry with '-------------' characters. "

Here's a method however, that is very helpful when attempting to control the select boxes size (in #'s of rows tall) or width (in cm or mm's wide): <keep in mind the 'size' parm here is for MULTIPLE select boxes, not used for width>

<select name="PayorCode" style="width:65mm" multiple size=7>

Further note, I actually learned this on a competitor's site.


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