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Feedback: irt.org FAQ Knowledge Base Q1152

Feedback on: irt.org FAQ Knowledge Base Q1152

Sent by Henrik Ahlén on February 25, 2000 at 03:29:23: - feedback #859

Worth reading

Just right

Not technical enough


I have tried to search for this information on your greate pages, but haven´t had that much luck, so I hope you can solve this one for me...

When using your example-script in IE5.0 and NN4.7 I get different results. I have added a bunch of BR-tags to make it possible to scroll down the document...

In NN4.7 the example shows the actual mouseposition in the *document*.
Example: I place the mouse at the bottom of the browser and gets some x/y-coordinats, and then scroll down a bit and have the mouse at the same location but now I get a higher Y-value.

In IE5.0 the value is showing the mouseposition in the *browser-window*, ie shows the same position even after I have scrolled down...

My questions to you is:
* Is this beahviour different between different IE-versions, or is it working the same in IE4 and IE5?
* Is there a way around this? I´m actually intrested in the position in the *document*, NOT the position in the *window*.
* Couldn´t you point out this problem on your page?

Have a nice day!,

Sent by Jonas Stahre on November 02, 2000 at 08:14:26: - feedback #1944

Very worth reading

Just right

Just right

Not sure if it is my Explorer or my Netscape that does strange things...

If I insert alot of <BR>'s so that I have to scroll the page Netscape (on FreeBSD 4.1) will show the X-coordinate relative to the top of the document while Explorer (on NT) only will show the distance to the top of what is visible on the screen.

Is there a way to find out how "far away" you are from the top of the document in Explorer?

Sent by Geoffrey Lee on November 22, 2001 at 22:24:16: - feedback #3353

Worth reading

Just right

Not technical enough

This code has problems with IE in that it shows the mouse coordinates in relation to the browser window, not the actual page. An example of how to find the mouse coordinates in relation to the actual page for IE can be found here: http://www.atl.ualberta.ca/downes/java/mouseevents.htm

Sent by Phil Latio on December 21, 2001 at 21:43:48: - feedback #3434

Worth reading

Just right

It would be great if there was similar script that would onClick for image maps.

Mind you, there is nothing wrong script it's just that I want to do something else.



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