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Feedback: irt.org FAQ Knowledge Base Q1047

Feedback on: irt.org FAQ Knowledge Base Q1047

Sent by Frank Mair on February 02, 2000 at 04:49:05: - feedback #784

Just right

The above code is fine, but it is possible to do this check while the user is actually entering code and not afterwards!! See this page for more details:


Sent by Sheldon Hart on September 24, 2001 at 12:42:46: - feedback #3188

Very worth reading

Thank you very much for providing this information!!

Prior to seeing this, I thought the only way to verify the length was after the user submitted the text. This would be very inconvenient and frustrating for them, losing all that they had typed.

As a newbie to this work, I really appreciate your kind and very worthwhile information!!!


Sent by Bill Wilkinson on October 01, 2002 at 18:43:29: - feedback #4183

Worth reading

Too short

Not technical enough

The answer using onKeyUp is *BOGUS*! What happens if the user copy/pastes the text in using a mouse? Where does any onKeyUp even happen in that case?

This question misses the easiest answer of all that works on *ALL* browsers of which I am aware.

Just use a setTimeout to check the length of the text in the textarea every quarter second or so. Designer's choice as to whether it just chops the text to max size or pops up an alert.

Start the process at page load time and it works every time.

function checkTASize( )
var ta = document.FormName.TextAreaName;
if ( ta.value.length > 300 )
alert("Sorry...300 character limit");
ta.value = ta.value.substring(0,300);
setTimeout( "checkTASize()", 250 );
checkTASize( );

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