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Feedback on: Linux #6 Stairway to Heaven? - Setting up your Linux Server as an Internet Gateway!, January 26, 1999 at 15:41:23:

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Feedback on:
Linux #6 Stairway to Heaven? - Setting up your Linux Server as an Internet Gateway!

Sent by
Remigiusz Samborski on January 26, 1999 at 15:41:23:

Not worth reading

Too short

Not technical enough

This article doesn't mention anything about kernel options that you need to set up to use ip masq.
I also think that the author should write a section about how ip masquering works (more technical) so that the users know what they're getting into.
You can find the same info (and even more) in ip masq mini howto which is normally delivered with most of the linux distributions.

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