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Feedback on: Are all Portals the same?, December 01, 1999 at 07:46:15:

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Feedback on:
Are all Portals the same?

Sent by
phil rustage on December 01, 1999 at 07:46:15:

Very worth reading

Just right

Just right

Excellent article, well paced and clearly explained. I had heard the term "portal" a lot recently and although I thought I knew roughly what it meant your article brought it all into crystal clarity.

BUT you do seem to have a difficulty in distinguishing singular from plural. I know this may sound pedantic but all those (and there are many) examples of saying "is" when you mean "are" and "was" when you mean "were", all those single verbs with plural pronouns just interrupt the otherwise smooth flow of a good article. Making the reader have to go back and read certain sentences again because a grammatical error has caused confusion is a real pity when the content and general style is so good. Why not get someone to proof read it for you?

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