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Feedback on: irt.org FAQ Knowledge Base Q1028, November 10, 1999 at 13:48:14:

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Feedback on:
irt.org FAQ Knowledge Base Q1028

Sent by
Sean McLeary on November 10, 1999 at 13:48:14:

Worth reading

Just right

Not technical enough

in Q1028 you wrote: "An image when used with an image map doesn't have a hypertext link wrapped around the image - which is where you place the event handlers."

actually, in Internet Explorer a line indicating the area clicked does appear. (look at http://www.apartments.com for an example) the only difference being that it is a solid line rather than the thin, dotted line that appears around a hypertext link.

to answer the original question, you could set the onClick handler to "self.blur ()". the only problem is this causes the Netscape browser window to lose focus. so you would have to do a browser check before blurring.

©2018 Martin Webb

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