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Feedback: Man-Handling Events #2

Feedback on: Man-Handling Events #2

Sent by Michel on October 03, 1999 at 14:38:16: - feedback #491

Worth reading

Just right

Just right

Certain key combinations cannot be cancelled
ctrl-n and alt-f4. Perhaps a rundown of those are in order.

Also why not have the mouse in this article - it also uses the modifier keys and it is important to let the reader know the problems like IE only being able to cancel right-click if an alert is shown and that NS ignores mouse cancels on links and in form fields...


Sent by Robert E. Boughner on October 13, 1999 at 19:16:21: - feedback #511

Worth reading

Just right

Just right

Under the keydown listing the item concerning the letters a-z and A-Z is not clear to me. Does the (NN only) parentheses after the capital letters imply that these are the only keys that can be detected in Netscape Navigator? Perhaps the whole listing can be done in a sort of table listing with two columns one for IE and the other for Netscape indicating which one will handle the different keys.

Sent by Joe Acker on April 11, 2000 at 12:12:18: - feedback #1072

Very worth reading

Too short

Too technical

First, this is the only place on the web that I found, after much looking, that deals with keyboard events. So, Great!

I like seeing examples, and you provided them. Great!

However, the thing I'm trying to do I still can't do, even after reading your fine remarks.

I am going to host an extranet application written in ColdFusion. I want to trap CTRL-R, F5 and Backspace to insure data integrity. All users will be using IE 5.

It seems that this could have increasing importance to developers who have similar requirements as we have here.

I'd appreciate any good tips.



Sent by John Papachristos on August 01, 2001 at 20:00:51: - feedback #3041

Very worth reading

Just right

Just right


I enjoyed reading your article and thought it was very worthwhile.

I was actually wondering if there is any way to propagate a keyboard event that has been captured in an objects key down event handler to another object on the page. For example, if I detect the AT-Down Arrow key sequence in object A, I want to set focus to object B and action the ALT-Down Arrow sequence on object B. Is this possible using Javascript?

John Papachristos

Sent by george on September 17, 2001 at 07:19:32: - feedback #3168

Very worth reading

I addition, to the example given, what about another example where a character on an english keyboard is substituted by a character of another language or an image(glyph) of another language with all these actions to be performed in the textarea of a form?

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