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Feedback on: Flag as a symbol of language - stupidity or insult?, September 14, 1999 at 00:40:39:

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Feedback on:
Flag as a symbol of language - stupidity or insult?

Sent by
Bernard Martin-Rabaud on September 14, 1999 at 00:40:39:

Not worth reading

Just right

Just right

Many of your arguments are not worthwhile.
Most people using a language know their own country's flag or the reference country's flag : Austrian, Swiss, Luxemburg people for German, Belgian, Swiss, French Canadian for French...
In those circonstances, flags are mostly considered as symbols rather then national emblems, just like an envelope is the symbol for "contact us".
It's neither stupid nor insulting, as I guess people are grateful to the site's author to provide a version in their mother language.

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