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Feedback on: Introduction to Visual Basic Scripting (VBScript), December 09, 2002 at 10:09:14:

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Feedback on:
Introduction to Visual Basic Scripting (VBScript)

Sent by
Vance Burke on December 09, 2002 at 10:09:14:

Very worth reading

Two of the over 800,000 VBScript websites MAY confess that not all scripts start with <HTML> <HEAD> especially if a beginner simply wants to type a string into an application. But which TWO? I'm looking for a three line script, whose middle line is "SendKeys.." but I don't know what either the first or last lines' syntex should be and I'm FASCINATED by the absence of this information in the online tutorials that I've seen in the last two weeks. Why do we need proof that programmers can only communicate with programmers and no one else?

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