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Feedback: irt.org FAQ Knowledge Base Q945

Feedback on: irt.org FAQ Knowledge Base Q945

Sent by K. (Alcyane) on August 29, 1999 at 08:01:12: - feedback #418

Not worth reading

Just right

Just right

Hye !!

I truly "love" your site, as well... I think what you do is so "clean" : you always try to tell people what version of Javascript your scripts use, and what to do for older versions !!
(I wanted tell you this before, as I am not often enough courageous to send mails... And I think it is not a bad thing to tell people when you like their work... ^^)

I just send you this mail about your script 945, as when I try to use it, I always continue to have the alert which asks me if I truly want to close the window... Well... Is this because I use IE5, or because I am trying it offline ? Do you have a solution ?

Thanks !!


Sent by Owen Cobbe on October 04, 1999 at 11:20:22: - feedback #493

Worth reading

I tried the solution but I still got that annoying dialog.

Sent by Josema Alonso on October 29, 1999 at 12:22:47: - feedback #546

Very worth reading

I've tried it in IE5 and Netscape 4.61 but it dosn't work.
When I try to close the main window the dialog popup appears!

It doesn't matter if it has history or not.

This is the very first time one of your scripts doesn't work for me that's why I decided to write, cause I'm very surprised.

The site is GREAT! Keep on doing it this way!

Sent by daniel on September 20, 2000 at 08:34:15: - feedback #1774

Worth reading

However it did not work.

Sent by Avinash on December 13, 2000 at 07:57:36: - feedback #2134

Kindly indicate if a solution to the question does not exist.

Sent by blume on June 27, 2001 at 18:46:39: - feedback #2909

Very worth reading

The other window.close() closes other windows that you opened with script; however you, as well as I want to close the browswer window, not a window created by the browswer window. Since Microsoft IE is an .exe file, I will try to find the code to pass through the window.close() function. It should be the same thing as going to File => Close; give me time, I will figure it out. If not, I think perl might be able to close it, or some sort of cgi script... it must be possible!!! must be!!!! :]

Sent by Richard Solomon on November 19, 2001 at 17:40:08: - feedback #3339

The following script will solve the problem.

<script language='javascript'>
var MainWindow = window.self;
MainWindow.opener = window.self;


Sent by Brett Halsey on January 08, 2002 at 12:21:54: - feedback #3463

Very worth reading

This seems to work on NC 4+, IE 4+
<script language="JavaScript">
thisWin = window.self;
thisWin.opener = window.self;

Sent by Brett Halsey on January 09, 2002 at 13:59:49: - feedback #3473

Very worth reading

This seems to work on nc 4+ & IE4+

thisWin = window.self;
thisWin.opener = window.self;

Sent by michel on January 11, 2002 at 00:59:41: - feedback #3478

If you want to close people's main browsers, please consider this:

A scenario:

I surf to your page with my 1600*1200 sized screen with my browser at
971x697 with toolbars, statusbars, location bars and scrollbars

You open an 800x600 window, no chrome and close my main browser

I think you will hear the outrage from where you are sitting.

Have a splash screen if you must, but leave the user's main browser alone, PLEASE!?!

Sent by Wunderbunz on February 22, 2002 at 06:05:00: - feedback #3616

Worth reading

The way I close a pop-up window without getting that annoying dialogue box isn't a script but just a little "side-step" around it. I just build a frames page with the top frame size="0" and the second frame size="*". When you use a script like:

<a href="javascript: self.close()"> you don't get the dialogue box popping up because the pop-up window originated from a framed document.

It's "mickey mouse", but it works okay for my purposes.

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