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Feedback: JavaScript Frame Articles

Feedback on: JavaScript Frame Articles

Sent by Rick Martinez on August 20, 1999 at 15:41:50: - feedback #394

Worth reading


I real like your site it is extremely informative. I have searched through it but was unable to find an answer to a question which i had.

i hope you dont mind me asking, if so please let me know.....

I have 2 frames open (Frame A & Fame B) In Frame A i have a funtion which takes a highlighted word and uses it in another function. Well here is the kicker.... i want to be able to highlight a word in Frame B and have the function in Fame A use it. Can i posibly use functions that reside in Frame A in Frame B and return the value to frame A.....

Does this make sence.... please let me know if you can or can not help.

Thank you.....
Rick Martinez

Sent by zan on January 06, 2000 at 18:09:25: - feedback #701

Very worth reading

I am learning javascripting the old-fashioned way (by looking at scripts that do things related to what I want to do and dissecting the methods) and I came to this page to see if I could determine how to solve a (seemingly) simple problem.

I have an index that loads into my website (http://zap.to/zans) as a frameset within a frameset.

(and main contains:)

What I want to do is provide a button or link within the index frame that "kills" the index frame when the user clicks it.

The obvious solution to this seems to be to set the location of the MAIN frame (which holds the frameset containing the index and whatever page the user happens to be on) with the location of CONTENTWINDOW.

I tried this method:


but it didn't seem to do anything.

The scripts on this page seem to be more on the mark... any suggestions?


Sent by zan on January 06, 2000 at 18:17:08: - feedback #702

Very worth reading

Aha! (I wrote a message about framesets loaded within framesets a few moments ago...)

Here's the solution I found for my "kill this frame" link:

function killFrame() {

The first part references the whole ball of wax and the second one works it's way up to the top level of the embedded frameset.


Feel free to pass this along to readers who are wanting to do this. I searched for hours trying to find a canned solution to this with no luck.


Sent by Mats Nordwinger on May 23, 2000 at 03:48:35: - feedback #1273

Very worth reading


I have one further question. I'm about to create an application where a second framespage is loaded into a frame in the first framespage.

Now I want to access a frame in the second framset loaded in a frame in the first frameset, from the first frameset.

Normaly to access another childframe from a childframe is just to use the syntax: parent.childframe2.location.href = "xxxxx".

My question is, is it possible to access a frame in a frame directly from the top level? i have tried to use the syntax: parent.childframe.childlevel2frame.location.href = "xxxxxx" but it doesen't seem to work, just adding another level in the syntax.

Thanks in advance.

BR / Mats Nordwinger

Sent by Troy Hildebrand on September 06, 2000 at 23:33:08: - feedback #1719

Worth reading

Too short

Not technical enough

I have been on a several day search scouring many javascript tutorial sites, development sites, the Netscape JSREF manual, etc to try to figure out my current problem.
What I am trying to do is really fairly simple... I would like to (for now) list the objects in a particular frame.
I have created a frameset and then opened a file.htm in the frame called 'clientframe'. I try to access the contents of the frame via "top.clientframe." but I get "Access Denied". I have tried a number of variances, including several variations of "parent.", etc.
Do you have any suggestions?


Troy Hildebrand

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