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Feedback: irt.org FAQ Knowledge Base Q30

Feedback on: irt.org FAQ Knowledge Base Q30

Sent by colette van essen on August 08, 1999 at 16:57:15: - feedback #354

Worth reading

Isn't it Explorer 4 that this script works in and not Netscape4?

Sent by Randy Schmieder on September 03, 2000 at 15:47:46: - feedback #1700

Very worth reading

I noticed that TEXTAREA (! NOT input type=text) really varies with CSS in netscape vs MSIE. Both NS 4+ and MSIE 5 work well with all form elements, with the exception of TEXTAREA. However, NS refuses to allow me to alter the font SIZE or face, unless i specify the FORM element as a class. Weird. Take a look at the following in the 2 browsers...
Try first <FORM class="littleForm">
Then, just <FORM>

.LittleForm{font-family: verdana, courier new, courier, sans-serif; font-size:10px;color:#000000;font-weight:normal;background-color:#ffffff;}
look at this in NS and MSIE
<FORM class="littleForm">
<INPUT class="littleForm" TYPE="edit" value="Edit input" NAME="Edit"><BR>
<INPUT class="littleForm" TYPE="Text" value="Text input" NAME="Text"><BR>
<INPUT class="littleForm" TYPE="password" value="Password input" NAME="Password" SIZE=13><BR>
<INPUT class="littleForm" style="background-color:#cccccc;" TYPE="button" NAME="Button" VALUE="Button needs to have the BG as grey (NS can't do the color), but is otherwise OK"><BR>
<TEXTAREA class="littleForm" NAME="Textarea" ROWS=6 COLS=15 WRAP=VIRTUAL>TEXTAREA: this is HUGE in NS</TEXTAREA><BR>

Sent by kris gale on June 27, 2001 at 14:18:50: - feedback #2908

some of the above feedback already addresses what i Might have suggested, but i will add this: it's a little known (and useful!) fact that you can overwrite the style for ANY html element using CSS... so you can, in fact, just do this for say, all <input> and <textarea> elements: <style type="text/css"> input { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica ; font-size: 12px } textarea { font-family: monospace ; font-size: 10px } <style>

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