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Feedback on: irt.org FAQ Knowledge Base Q830, July 19, 1999 at 11:12:45:

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Feedback on:
irt.org FAQ Knowledge Base Q830

Sent by
Derek Wickersham on July 19, 1999 at 11:12:45:

Never say "never" or "it can't be done"!

You could make a CGI script that feeds the image to the browser (very simple to do with Perl). In the browser, the image would be linked to as "image.pl" or "image.cgi" or etc. Now you've hidden the actual file name of the image.

In that CGI script, you might only allow the image to be downloaded if the HTTP_Referrer is found to be your web server. That way, Joe Q. Curious can't just type in the direct URL of your image file and bypass the JavaScript that blocks the right-click-Save-As.

I concede that this is not a JavaScript-only solution, but it is a solution nonetheless.

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