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Feedback: irt.org FAQ Knowledge Base Q1595

Feedback on: irt.org FAQ Knowledge Base Q1595

Sent by Vineet Juneja on May 28, 2001 at 00:04:18: - feedback #2771

Not worth reading

If you open the ne document in a new window, disable the toolbar, then disable the right click button, the user is left with no option to view the source of a web page.

Sent by David J on July 15, 2001 at 16:47:46: - feedback #2970

If you put an empty layer/div at highest zindex covering the whole page, Won't that effectively hide the source script?

Sent by Jozsef Z Wagner on August 12, 2001 at 18:24:16: - feedback #3081

On the MAIN animation pages of my web site, I manage to inhibit all functions of the browser which would reveal the source. You need IE5 to get to this area and a bit of patience.



Sent by Sean Nay on December 14, 2001 at 17:53:16: - feedback #3423

Some idea to disable the MENU in whole, but cannot disable the Selected MENU individually. Here is an sample code you can use to disable the MENU:


Sent by BJ on April 01, 2002 at 21:13:23: - feedback #3741

Not worth reading

In reply to the question about disabling the View -> Source option: DONT. As soon as you start restricting options for users, that automatically creates the curiousity of "Why?". When someone wants to view your source, they will. There is ALWAYS a way. They can save the website to disk, and open it with a html viewer, or on a mac use the command-U option. With all the websites out there (sorry, but its true) I am 99.9% positive that there is someone out there with a better site than you. No one wants to steal your source. Im not saying you suck or anything. Being a webdesigner myself, I know how much time and effort goes into all this. If there is someone who goes to one of my sites after I have spent hours upon hours designing it, then steals my source, good for them. If nothing else, you can look at it this way: At least indirectly, looking at my source, and making the appropriate changes, they are _learning_ something. That makes them less likely to come back and steal more, because they at least have that basic knowledge.

If you really _MUST_ have your source hidden, there are several good javascripts out there. However, to anyone with basic knowledge, Javascripts for security present no problem.

Im running on now. The point: If you hide your source, people will only be more likely to try harder, and possibly end up hacking your site. Dont hide your poorly developed code. Show it off! peace.

Sent by kabbie on April 08, 2002 at 14:28:29: - feedback #3761

Worth reading

Well you can do it for mse browsers by including the following code in the body tag:


Sent by jay on May 30, 2002 at 06:58:13: - feedback #3914

Very worth reading

its very nessasary to protect our site coding from our competitors
so i want to know how to disable
view source in menu item.i know to stop right click but want to also disable view source from menu item?

Sent by st0ic on June 22, 2002 at 18:53:45: - feedback #3959

Not technical enough

Yeah, it is possible. www.odsource.com ... try to "view source" with IE.. its disabled.

Sent by Stephane Guerin on September 23, 2002 at 12:07:13: - feedback #4163

Too short

have a look on http://java.sun.com/products/javawebstart/ and they do that!

I don't know how, however...

Sent by J.R. on January 14, 2003 at 23:58:58: - feedback #4366

Not worth reading

If you add the var 'view-source:' before the url e.g.

view-source:http://www.yahoo.com up pops the source. Gets by all the right click java stuff.

the only known devices are heml encrypters. But you need to pay for it. Anyway why would you want to prevent viewing anyway. Unless your making a ton of money from your site :-)

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