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Feedback: Image Manipulation Techniques

Feedback on: Image Manipulation Techniques

Sent by John Aidiniantz on June 21, 1999 at 06:55:59: - feedback #245

Worth reading

the working example doesn't work in explorer 4.02 on my computer.

The picture of the boy loads but when clicking on a link iside, nothing happens.

There is also a black quare at the top corner of the picture which doesn't lead anywehere.

Sent by lars on October 08, 1999 at 17:32:20: - feedback #503

Very worth reading

although i did not work myself through the complete code yet - i am really impressed about this article - here's a question that may hopefully not sound stupid : what about the non-script-enabled dudes ? right now they won't see
anything at all. is there a problem with generating the
site if i do include a body and a table holding those 24
pictures - or do i have to make a frontsite that contains
the table and does automatically forward the user if the browser does support javaScript ?


p.s. by the way - i would like to congratulate you guys for doing a great job 8-) at irt !

Sent by anonymous on February 25, 2000 at 10:51:15: - feedback #860

The Article was very good and well presented But I encountered an Unspecified error when I tried to click on one of the images and then quickly clicking on the image before the blank swaps places with the image.
The error was at Line 79
Char 5.

Sent by Sridhar on February 25, 2000 at 10:51:46: - feedback #861

Very worth reading

Just right

Just right

The Article was very good and well presented But I encountered an Unspecified error when I tried to click on one of the images and then quickly clicking on the image before the blank swaps places with the image.
The error was at Line 79
Char 5.

©2018 Martin Webb

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