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Feedback on: A JavaScript Web-Ring, May 26, 1999 at 22:43:48:

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Feedback on:
A JavaScript Web-Ring

Sent by
Jeff Goldstein on May 26, 1999 at 22:43:48:

Very worth reading

Too short

Not technical enough

I was pleased to find your instructions and comments for creating a javascript web ring.
I’m fortunate enough to have access to two web servers on my LAN at work. I followed your instructions and set up several local web sites. I then tested out my little web ring in both Netscape 3 & 4 and it worked perfectly. Then I tested it in Internet Explorer 3, 4 & 5.

Unfortunately, in Internet Explorer the ring buttons always act like the page that you’re on is not part of the ring.
It acts just as you have described in your instructions: “If the current location is not one of the Web-Ring sites, perhaps because the database is slightly out of step with the sites that contain the Web-Ring HTML, then the current location defaults to the first URL in the database. This ensures that the Web-Ring can at no time be broken.”

I think its acting this way because the Iframe is interfering with the detection of the current page.

Any comments or suggestion you have will be greatly appreciated.

©2018 Martin Webb

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