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Feedback: JavaScript Guidelines and Best Practice

Feedback on: JavaScript Guidelines and Best Practice

Sent by Pankaj Kamthan on April 30, 1999 at 23:25:45: - feedback #181

Very worth reading

Just right

Just right

Writing a program that (somehow)works is not good enough. Else it would be like getting a driving license and declaring that you are an Indy car driver. It requires experience and following certain style guidelines which have been mutually agreed upon by the programming community at large. This has various advantages including readability and portability, among others.

Even though JavaScript has been around since 1995, style guidelines for it are scarce. Too much attention has been paid to creating fancy scripts which can
induce some dynamics effects, however lame they may be. This has resulted in haphazard way of writing scripts with the goal being "just to somehow get the script work ... who cares!" Well, some do.

This article does an excellent job in suggesting JavaScript style of programming. Even the most archaic topics (of personal interest to me) such as security are addressed and various pitfalls have been pointed out.

I would suggest anybody who is
serious about client-side scripting, to go through this work.

Sent by Cyril Roiron on May 17, 1999 at 05:46:15: - feedback #190

Worth reading

Just right

Just right

Good general article.
Some typo and content feed-back:
- miscoordination between table of content and corresponding title within the doc ('Introduction')
- mis-co-ordination between 'Browsers with JavaScript Support' and the table in 'JavaScript Versions' (about net 2.x)
- in 'JavaScript Guidelines', are u sure that testing generally 'document.object' b4 using it, doesnt lead to a js error ?
- in the examples, u never mention 'document.writeLN' thant insert cariage returns between lines...
- typo in 'Semi-colons': '..confusion that might arise iF semi-colons are..'
- in 'Image Swapping', u dont explain a lot why one better not use index number of an image.
- typo in 'JavaScript Source Files': 'JavaScript source files Can be used in Netscape...'

Sent by David on June 27, 1999 at 09:18:35: - feedback #260

Very worth reading

Just right

Just right

very excellently well done
pure classy product

Sent by Moacyr on July 07, 1999 at 22:04:35: - feedback #285

Please look at file object.gif in article 169. I can´t download it, and I´m interested in read the paper and this is fundamental.

Thank you,


Sent by Jonathan Scott on April 06, 2001 at 14:57:35: - feedback #2591

Very worth reading

Just right

Just right

Excellent list of tips that normally would take you hours or days to figure out when ramping up on the Javascript syntax! Thanks!!

Sent by Fred Harthoorn on October 09, 2001 at 17:40:50: - feedback #3232

Very worth reading

Just right


In the documentation you see de lines:
Commenting JavaScript and HTML code
Add comments to your code to aid maintenance.

The characters

regards Fred Harthoorn

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