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Feedback on: Re-directing access within Frames #2, September 15, 2000 at 18:05:53:

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Feedback on:
Re-directing access within Frames #2

Sent by
Adam Rice on September 15, 2000 at 18:05:53:

Very worth reading

This was a little cryptic in spots for me, but with some fussing and experimenting, I was able to adapt it to my needs.

I found one problem, which was that the frame name being tested for was not quoted as a literal. Another is that, depending on *which* frame is being tested for, you may encounter a javascript error. It seems that testing for the firstmost frame in a set will not generate an error, but when I tested for the last frame in my set (which happens to be the only one with variable content), I did encounter an error every time.

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