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Feedback: irt.org FAQ Knowledge Base Q820

Feedback on: irt.org FAQ Knowledge Base Q820

Sent by Mike Lee on September 08, 2000 at 09:45:11: - feedback #1730

Not worth reading

It doesn't work in Netscape
and IE. I got a syntax error.

Sent by Scripter on January 30, 2001 at 14:14:26: - feedback #2300

Not technical enough

This solution doesn't work when writing standalone JavaScript files.

Sent by Kendall on October 01, 2001 at 14:00:24: - feedback #3207

Not worth reading

Not technical enough

I have .html file called "one.htm" that calls .js file "one.js". I want to include file "two.js" from within "one.js". This solution doesn't work. All I get is syntax errors in IE 5.5 and NS 4.78

Sent by ERB on November 05, 2001 at 12:12:23: - feedback #3300

Not worth reading

The syntax of the suggested solution is incorrect in two distinct ways.

1. It says to use HTML <script> tags within a .js file.

2. The script syntax is wrong, as there is an unmatched single quote which makes the author's intent quite unclear.

Sent by William McKee on August 28, 2002 at 21:03:38: - feedback #4108

Not worth reading

Too short

Not technical enough

I don't think this will work unless the poster meant to say to put this in the HTML document. However, that doesn't answer the question. Has anyone tested this answer and gotten it to work?

Sent by LordLucless on November 03, 2002 at 06:47:28: - feedback #4247

Not worth reading

Will not work if file 1 is dependant on variable/class defined in file 2.

(For example, you are writing a script that requires browser detection, and you use this technique to include such a script. It won't work)

Sent by Robert on Tuesday June 19, 2007 at 19:50:16 - feedback #4724

Worth reading

Just right


Works fine, only the <script> tags should left out in the .js file.

Tested it with MSIE6, Opera 8.02, Netscape 7.2, Firefox 2 today,
and it all worked, even without the broken '<scr' + 'ipt src...' suggestion.

Inside the one and only js file included in the document
there is a browser detection and then I do an include of the right implementation for the current browser like this:

document.write('<script src="implement_'+ browsercode +'.js"></script>');

Thats it!

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