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Feedback: Almost complete control of pop-up windows

Feedback on: Almost complete control of pop-up windows

Sent by Ashwin on August 01, 2000 at 05:58:40: - feedback #1561

Very worth reading


The Example u have provided is useful.., moreover i would be happy if been helped to solve a typical problem that your example solves.

I have an application which will be running in a main window. The main window is been spilted into frames. I have a hyperlink from one of the frame from which i will be invoking another modal/modaless window.

My requirement is, I should take the entire control of the main window from which the child window pops up and i should not be able to click any of the links or button that is present in the main window unless i close the child window.


Sent by Jason Kehr on August 05, 2000 at 14:28:42: - feedback #1582

Very worth reading

Just right

I am new at this. Your page was the only one able to successfully get my crummy html editor to auto load a pop up window on page load. grin. Your info was very helpful. I think I cna figure out how to add the size, scroll, menu bar, etc. options ot oyur information to get what I want.

I am trying to use pop up windows to show .jpg's on my own personal page. I want to either click open or auto open an image (picture.jpg) and then have a close button below it. Anyway to do this with creating a new htm page ?
thank you

Sent by Madelyn Mara on September 06, 2000 at 00:01:21: - feedback #1708

Very worth reading

I picked up code from your FAQ page (Q845)and am getting the following runtime error:
Expected ')'
The code causing this is:
popup = window.open('popup.htm','windowName,'width=100,height=100');
The cursor in the debugger is blinking after the "w" in "width".
I cannot figure this out for the life of me.
Can you see any obvious error?
Very Much Appreciation.

Sent by Stan Joenz on April 08, 2001 at 00:59:44: - feedback #2596

Very worth reading

Just right

Just right

The last feedback article (from Madelyn) had an odd number of apostrophes inside the brackets/parenthesis ... does that help her ?

I've achieved this so far ... to open up a pop up window with two frames and control all the toobars and resizing and location etc ... I make it fill virtually the whole screen based on my screen size 800x600.

I've figured out how to write javascript links which will change the content of the pop-up-window ... and fall back on a html target_top link for javascript disabled browsers..

I've set the pop up window with two frames and I can preload each frame-within-the-pop-up with different html documents. Or I can write on the fly into either or both of the pop-up-framed panels ...

Where I'm having difficulty is in composing a table of javascript links (in the opener document if you will) which will change the contents of the lower-frame-of my-pop-up-window ... all I get is

windowHandle.frameHandle is not an object
windowName.frameName is not an object
window.htmlprefix is not an object ...

the list goes on ...
Keep up with JOENZ.com

Sent by Robert on February 04, 2002 at 16:09:24: - feedback #3563

Very worth reading

Just right

Just right

I'd be interested in hearing how to handle this situation. The popup window calls a JSP to return a listbox with values based on something entered. It seems that now the value of "opener" is no longer recognized. Is there a way for this to be passed in the submitted request from the popup?

Sent by Uday Kari on August 15, 2002 at 10:23:25: - feedback #4073

Very worth reading

Great write-up. Best that I found on the internet. Just one more thing would be useful. How would you blur the opener when a pop-up happens?

Sent by Gregory on Friday June 29, 2007 at 18:14:19 - feedback #4754

Very worth reading



to Madelyn:

In the code:

popup = window.open('popup.htm','windowName,'width=100,height=100');

After windowName there should be apostrophe

Sent by Pramod on Monday July 02, 2007 at 06:31:28 - feedback #4759

Very worth reading

Just right

Just right

that's lovely and tricky.........Thanks alot

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