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Feedback on: irt.org FAQ Knowledge Base Q499, July 26, 2000 at 15:06:52:

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Feedback on:
irt.org FAQ Knowledge Base Q499

Sent by
Albert Grant on July 26, 2000 at 15:06:52:

Very worth reading

Just right

Not technical enough

I had one problem with this- when I returned to the referring URL it was still in the hiddem frame. This sent me on a long quest to solve that issue. The solution was:

Include the following code in each page you want the folks to go back from:

<script language="JavaScript">
if (top.document.referrer != '')
document.writeln('<a href="' + top.document.referrer + '" target="_top">Go back to where you started</a>');

You could always put it in a "blank.html" file so it would always be at the bottom of the screen, but that would eat up some valuable viewing space. (my site as an example below). In this case you would have to define the "rows" in the "frameset" statement in index.html to be less than 100% (I used 93%).

For an example go to: http://www.southriver.com/refsites.html and click the link to "Web-Busters" - Then click on the "Go back..." link. It will bring you back to the URL where you entered the Web-Busters site from. Please bear in mind that this only works if they entered your site by clicking on a link.

Interesting lesson.


You could always put it in a "blank.html" file so it would always be at the bottom of the screen, but that would eat up some valuable viewing space. (my site as an example below). In this case you would have to define the "rows" in the "frameset" statement in index.html to be less than 100% (I used 93%).

My main challenge was setting the "target" property.
For an example go to: http://www.southriver.com/refsites.html and click the link to "Web-Busters" - Then click on the "Go back..." link. It will bring you back to the URL where you entered the Web-Busters site from. Please bear in mind that this only works if they entered your site by clicking on a link.

Interesting lesson.


©2018 Martin Webb

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