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Feedback: irt.org FAQ Knowledge Base Q1310

Feedback on: irt.org FAQ Knowledge Base Q1310

Sent by Dan Hines on July 19, 2000 at 15:33:48: - feedback #1505

I use the following to trim spaces:

str.replace(/^\s*/, '').replace(/\s*$/, '');

Sent by Deb Reichert on August 08, 2000 at 15:07:50: - feedback #1592

Too short

Just right

We were wondering how to modify this code to check for these values (spaces, carriage returns, etc) as if a null entry -- no text, just spacing, and then return an error -- this is a required field; only spaces have been spplied.

Sent by Shilpa on December 19, 2001 at 04:00:30: - feedback #3431

Very worth reading

Hey Thanks for this....it was excellent solution for the problem.

Sent by Mauricio Zuluaga on September 09, 2002 at 11:55:00: - feedback #4134

Reading at the documentation for RegExp I found that the replace method returns a new string. It doesn't modify the string that invokes the method.

I change the trim function to this in order to make it work:

function trim(str)
var newString = str.replace(/^\s*/, '').replace(/\s*$/, '');
return newString;

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