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Feedback: irt.org FAQ Knowledge Base Q1191

Feedback on: irt.org FAQ Knowledge Base Q1191

Sent by Alexandra Enk on July 12, 2000 at 16:06:32: - feedback #1487

Not worth reading


This solution did not work for me with Netscape Communicator version 4.08:

function hide(object)
{ alert("0");
if (document.layers && document.layers[object])
{ alert("1");
document.layers[object].visibility = 'hidden';
else if (document.all)
{ alert("2");
document.all[object].style.visibility = 'hidden';

<style type="text/css"></style>

<select name=checkit ONCHANGE="hide('sh1')">
<option value=job1>Visible</option>
<option value=job2>Hidden</option>

<div id="sh1" class="myLayersClass" >


My alerts in the hide() only got to the "0". Can you please offer suggestions on how I can make this work?

Thank you,
Alex Enk

Sent by Ryan Mills on October 02, 2002 at 08:05:51: - feedback #4184

Worth reading

Just right

Just right

This solution no longer works for NN 7.0. Apparently they removed the document.layers object.

I tried to use the getElementById(object).style.visibility instead but for some reason this isn't working either.

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