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Feedback: Creating a Page Counter In Perl

Feedback on: Creating a Page Counter In Perl

Sent by mario bitencourt on June 29, 2000 at 13:46:31: - feedback #1441

Very worth reading

Just right

Just right

i didn't get to record using this example.
If i read (ex:my @file_contents = <FILE>;), i don't record.
If i don't read (ex: # my @file_contents = <FILE>;), i get to record. I'm using activeperl for windows 5.3. Will it be that the mode parameter to open,reading and recording is not equal? i've used +>> . Please i would like a answer. thanks. Mario
P.s: i'm running in prompt dos . So, the problem isn't with the webserver and i run at local computer.

Sent by Neil Fraser on June 28, 2001 at 10:27:24: - feedback #2917

Worth reading

Just right

Just right

You might be interested in my version of an SSI page counter in Perl.

<A HREF="http://vv.carleton.ca/~neil/counter/">http://vv.carleton.ca/~neil/counter/</A>

What makes it different? It is a Quine that uses self-modifying code and no data file. I wouldn't recommend it for novices...

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