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Feedback: Source Files

Feedback on: Source Files

Sent by Daniel Fisher on June 23, 2000 at 16:24:13: - feedback #1428

Not worth reading

Just right

Not technical enough

I found this article looking for a way to handle the case when a <SCRIPT src="file"> tag cannot find the specified file.
Your article says the if the file is not found then javascript placed inside the <SCRIPT></SCRIPT> tags will be executed.
This is not true for any Netscape browser I have tested. (3-4.72)
If the file cannot be found the browser will return a 404 error.
Also netscape will not allow javascript to print a <SCRIPT> tag from within another <SCRIPT> tag.
ie <SCRIPT>document.write("<SCRIPT>");

If you do know how to solve these problems I'd appreciate an email explaining how to do so. Thanks.

Sent by Ben Bishop on September 27, 2000 at 11:44:22: - feedback #1799

Worth reading

I was, however, looking to see how to include another html document _as port of_ my current one, and the IFRAME tag doesn't quite do that -- there is no way to not have it define a window in the current document (i.e. leave out HEIGHT and it defaults one in, set HEIGHT="100%" and it is looking at the height of one's window, not the included document.

If you have any suggestions on how to do this I would certainly appreciate the help (my current use for this is an events table with individual months being separate documents, but also being able to display _all_ the events in one document -- I'd rather not have to edit both documents when changes are made)

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