Feedback on: An Introduction to Netscape Layers
Very worth reading
Just right
Just right
Excellent article! Short. No nonsense. Clear writing!
(I've just read a few other articles on the same subject of which I can't say anything good besides that they provided code that worked. Well, sort of worked...)
Very worth reading
Just right
The author did a wonderful covering the basics of layers in Netscape. The article clearly illustrated the power of layers while also demonstrating this was Netscape language and not IE. Too often this point is either overlooked or intentionally omitted -- for commercial or political reasons -- and results in more confusion for the reader.
I look forward to upcoming articles, especially on database interface using DHTML.
Worth reading
I would be interested if you could explain the following layer related NN problem:
In your article, you say that NN reserves space for layers. I want to set a <ilayer> to visible when an arrow graphic is clicked and set to hide when clicked again. This much is easy. What I'm currently struggling with is that I'd like to see the flow of my page fill in that 'spac' when the <ilayer> is set to 'hide'..Instead, when the <ilayer> is hidden, NN leaves the reserved space...
Is there a workaround you know?
Any feedback would be gratefully received.
Sincerely, Jason...