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Feedback: irt.org FAQ Knowledge Base Q372

Feedback on: irt.org FAQ Knowledge Base Q372

Sent by Duane Robinson on May 27, 2000 at 14:44:53: - feedback #1294

Very worth reading

Too short

Just right

Cool, I've almost got it to work in IE5, but no luck at all in Netscape 4.7.

First Netscape...

I've had to combine it with an 'onclick' event on the image that is clicked to submit. The onclick event kicks off some javascript that sets the value of frame2.form1.field1 = frame1.form1.field1 - as I want the same info in both forms.

Could the onClick event on an image be causing the Netscape problem (works in IE5)?

Next IE5.....

I've got this 3 frame page sitting in the right-hand frame of my site. I want one form command to bring up its URL in the right-hand frame of my site replacing this 3 frame page. This causes a problem. If I run this 3 frame page stand-alone, both forms post. if I run it in the right-hand frame of my site neither posts.

Any help would be very much appreciated!!!

Sent by Kepler Gelotte on February 20, 2001 at 13:33:07: - feedback #2403

Worth reading

The answer is incorrect. Submitting two forms simultaneously will work sporadically. The two submits can interfere with each other.

Sent by Dani Rosen on September 03, 2001 at 01:28:18: - feedback #3118

Worth reading

Too short

Not technical enough

I am trying to combine this with a form validation script and am having a lot of problems. The form validation script on its own works fine, and so does this hidden frame trick, but I can't do the two at the same time.
When I try:

onSubmit="return formCheck();parent.hiddenframe.formname.submit()"

only the form validation works and it never goes to the hidden frame.

I tried several combinations of this code but no luck so far.

Any help???

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