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Feedback: Speeding up image rollovers

Feedback on: Speeding up image rollovers

Sent by eddie wong on March 28, 1999 at 12:54:02: - feedback #128

Very worth reading

can't expand on great tutorials!

Sent by Steven Gibbs on June 16, 1999 at 00:40:40: - feedback #239

When using the code in my own page, I found
that I could not get the page to validate at
validator.w3.org, apparently due to the
illegal use of a NAME attribute in an IMG tag. The same goes for your demo page at
despite you having a HTML 4.0 Transitional
DTD stuck on it. I have had no success in
attempting to use the (legal) ID attribute
instead. Any ideas? Thanks, Steven Gibbs

Sent by Rickard Olsson on July 01, 1999 at 04:07:44: - feedback #269

Very worth reading

Just right

Just right

Fine article! Now I'm using this approach myself.

Unfortunately the Javascript code in the article contains a minor typo. In the function imageLoad the image variable names contains an underscore which shouldn't be there. The working example is correct though.

Thank You for a high quality information site. I've learnt alot especially Javascript through irt.org

Rickard Olsson

Sent by Greg on July 10, 1999 at 23:51:10: - feedback #293

Very worth reading

Great! Just what I was looking for! Thanks alot!


Sent by Mark McVicker on April 28, 2000 at 03:35:52: - feedback #1155

Very worth reading

Just right

Just right

I used the concepts in this article to help me improve the performance of my page download time. It drastically reduced the time it took.

My images are slightly bloated and need to be thinned out. But this script made it seem as if they weren't bloated at all.

This script was a perfect solution and it also helped me learn some other concepts JavaScript uses.

Right now, although publically available, my work is mostly a testbed to help me further grasp technological concepts. I look forward to the day when I can be a contributer.

Thanks again.

Best Regards,
NYC Metro Area

Sent by Samson Mehl on December 06, 2000 at 18:22:40: - feedback #2114

Very worth reading

So great, I can't even believe it.
Your site ROCKS!

Sent by Andrew Green on January 26, 2003 at 07:52:01: - feedback #4381

Worth reading

I'm having a problem with my onmouseover & off - even though the images are preloaded, every time I roll over and off, the images are downloaded again.
As an experiment, I took your example page and replaced it with my own images. Result - the example page on your site works fine, but mine causes the images to download every time.
What is wrong? I'm going crazy trying to work this out ... Please help!!
The page with the images replaced, on my site, is:
Please take a look at this and give me advice.

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