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Feedback on: Why bother with Javascript?, September 16, 1998 at 03:14:04:

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Feedback on:
Why bother with Javascript?

Sent by
Michel Plungjan on September 16, 1998 at 03:14:04:I went to www.cnn.com the other day
It is a graphics intensive site and has a graphical navigation bar - a sort of 'where am I' (Image map)

Every time I clicked on this image map, the complete page refreshed INCLUDING the image - downloading a new gif while I waited.

With a frameset and javascript image updating, the same site would be a pleasure to navigate, now I found it a pain, even with a 512K access - I wouldn't even dream of going there with 14k4.

Imagine the server hit when the complete page is regenerated each time one visits.

Then imagine this only happening when the browser is Lynx or mosaic.

I am a strong believer in a good mix - give them JavaScript to enhance the experience and server side processing when needed.

On a ste I created, two buttonbars were created completely with JavaScript, updating REALLY fast without server hit. A fallback to a cgi for non JS browser was provided, everybody was happy and it was only a little extra effort.

I think the keywords here are percieved speed, server hits and degrading gracefully.


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