Feedback on: Search
Do you know were I can find information on the development of Quick Time Virtual Reality
how do i send a email or foward one to another person.
I am getting an error message "It seems that you don't have undefined installed on your P.C." can you help?
Very worth reading
On the search for "refresh" I found five stars given to the wrong comments. The ones that had five stars said to do somehing along the lines of:
<script language="javascript"> location.refresh(true) </script>
or something like that. if you do this, it will go into an infinite 'refresh' loop. The article I found helpful was the one on forcing a page not to be cached because if your passing a lot of data that's changing a lot, you can't allow IE to cache your pages. Just thought I'd let you know.
I need to locate information about how to insturment and debug Apache/mod_perl/Perl
In other words: What are the make
options and which files have to copied where, so that gdb can be used on core dumps to obtain a stack trace. Perhaps a link from your site would be helpful.
Just right
I think the search should allow you to enter text with more than 'Any/All/Boolean' options. I often need a 'Altavista' style search. ie "field type" will only find documents with these words next to each other.
Other than that the search and site is excellent.
I need to know how to grab the URL, and take only the domain or ip part.
I just want this from the href.location.URL
The interace design is very confusing,
I am never given any results on my searches. I think you have on work on this.
-Brian Plunkett
Very worth reading
Just right
Just right
hey! when submitting a form using document.form.submit() the form does not execute whats on the onSubmit handler
Very worth reading
Just right
Just right
i searched for "last modified" and got the SSIs! wonderful... i had forgotten about them and was looking just for javascript..;) you have a very good search engine!
Not technical enough
I'm still trying to find an answer to my problem. I'm trying to convert and double atribute of .9217834657 to 92.2. I would like to know which Class/Method combination I can use to accomplish that. I want to maintain 1 decimal position.
Thank you.
The search is a little difficult at times BUT the results are treasures. Thank you
Worth reading
I was trying to look for code that allows you to type in a dropdown menu and as you type the correct item is listed. The typical dropdown allows you to type the first character (I am in Minnesota and I have to hit 'M' 5 times to get to my state) and repeat it until you get to the name on the list you want. I couldn't find any code that allow you to type in the name you want and have it show in the drop down (for Minnesota you would type 'M' and Maine would come up. Then you type 'I' and Michigan would come up. Then when you type 'N' Minnesota would come up). I know some fat clients do this, but I have never seen it on a browser. Since I didn't find code on your site, I made my own code to do this. The reason I am writing is if you do not have code to do this, I would like to send you mine and don't know how to submit it. We have these things called RoutingID's and there can be as many as 100 or more in a drop down. We wanted to make it so a user can just type the name if they know it and it will scroll to the name as they type the characters. An array is created when the page loads and is kept on the client side. This way we don't have to access the database searching for 100 or more RoutingID's each time a user wants to use them. Anyway, let me know if you are interested and let me know how people send you code.
Thank You,
Worth reading
Information provided in this site is vast and very useful.
However I could not find what -How to write HTML emails, like the ones that we receieve from various companies advertising themselves. I would be thankful if you could help.
Ask a question.
Can a form submit via form action to an https url and email like the not true example below:
Form action="/cgi-bin/cgiemail" METHOD="post"><INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="business" VALUE=""><INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="business" VALUE="">
Please return email.
Miss Coleman
Too short
Not technical enough
How can I do ?:
Page: any.htm
a) OnUnLoad (if index.htm IS NOT the previus page, load index.htm)
b) OnUnload (if index.htm IS the previus page, return to index.htm)
I can't find the password.htm format for the ID/Password script.
Worth reading
Is the article Q600 about 128 encryption?
Is it 128 secure encryption?