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BBS: Re: PNG - Where is it going? - June 04, 1998 at 12:19:31

You are here: irt.org | BBS | Re: PNG - Where is it going? [This BBS is closed]

Posted by Enrique Reyes on June 04, 1998 at 12:19:31:

In Reply to: Re: PNG - Where is it going? posted by Michael Bednarek on June 03, 1998 at 13:08:24:

: As far as I know, only MS Internet Explorer 4 supports PNG at the moment. The relatively small user base of this browser compared to the rest of the Web means that it's still premature to use PNGs. The benefits are just not worth it.

Netscape 4.04+ support PNG too but without transparency. Amaya and mozilla5 support it too, but I haven't see them working.

: When more browsers support it and less people are using older browsers, we may see PNGs around a lot more. However, by then we may have an entirely new, and better format.

I thing that such time comes and we will not see any other format with the posibilities of PNG. It is proposed as a substitute of TIFF files also, so it is a powerfull solution, and very flexible. It is in the works many years now and it is a mature format.
The new software manage the PNG format well. Examples: Adobe ImageReady use PNG in both versions (8 and 24 bits) and make transparency perfectly, and a popular aplication as Paint shop pro version 5 use MNG (a format based on PNG that allows animation) as it internal format for store and manage animations.


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