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BBS: Re: javascript to applet within frameset - whats the location format? - September 16, 1998 at 09:34:43

You are here: irt.org | BBS | Re: javascript to applet within frameset - whats the location format? [This BBS is closed]

Posted by Dan Gardner on September 16, 1998 at 09:34:43:

In Reply to: Re: javascript to applet within frameset - whats the location format? posted by Michael B on September 14, 1998 at 12:57:46:

: : :A HREF="javascript:parent.frames.nav.BtnPlayer.setState ('*', 0) ;

: : : etc. (where 'nav' is the frame with the applet in)

: Try parent.nav.etc etc - you don't need the "frames" bit.

Tried this already, I still get a Javascript Error message in Netscape off line.

parent.nav.BtnPlayer has no properties.



You are here: irt.org | BBS | Re: javascript to applet within frameset - whats the location format? [This BBS is closed]

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