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BBS: Re: How to eliminate advertising added on www.geocities.com? - September 04, 1998 at 16:17:41

You are here: irt.org | BBS | Re: How to eliminate advertising added on www.geocities.com? [This BBS is closed]

Posted by Dan A on September 04, 1998 at 16:17:41:

In Reply to: Re: How to eliminate advertising added on www.geocities.com? posted by Bill Pettrey on September 03, 1998 at 05:30:28:

: : My homepage is residing on www.geocities.com (free 11M of diskspace). My
: : main index..html page is ending with </HTML>, but when I load the page
: : there's some advertising "addon" in the end of the file AFTER <./HTML> tag.
: : How do I tell the server not to load
: : anything after </HTML> tag ?

: : The "addon":
: : </HTML>

or, you could use my favorite trick and put :
<A href="
as the last thing in your html document.
make sure there's only one " there. the browser wont render
the rest of the page. you can also use this if they put something in the top of your document. some hosting places put that check out www.danambrose.com. i have eliminated the pop-up window that's supposed to be there.

: You can add after the </HTML> tag the <NOSCRIPT> tag. This will eliminate the popup windows and the obnoxious
: watermark,responsible for many javascript problems. This is not authorized by geocities.
: Bill Pettrey


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