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BBS: Re: Printing in IE4 - September 01, 1998 at 05:49:19

You are here: irt.org | BBS | Re: Printing in IE4 [This BBS is closed]

Posted by Martin Webb on September 01, 1998 at 05:49:19:

In Reply to: Printing in IE4 posted by Dave Hufnagle on August 31, 1998 at 14:59:30:

: I need a script to print a frame using IE4. The script "window.print ()" works for Navigator but not IE4. Please HELP ME!!!!

: Thanks in advance!

: Dave Hufnagle
: DJHufnagle_ARAS@Hotmail.com

Try the following, no gurantees given:

<TABLE BGCOLOR="#FFCC99" WIDTH="590"><TR><TD><P><B>113.</B> Tuesday 1st September 1998 - <A HREF="articles/js113/index.htm" onMouseOver="show ('L113')" onMouseOut="hide ('L113')">Java #6 I Wanna hold your hand - longer</A></TD></TR></TABLE>
<DIV ID="L113" CLASS="article"><TABLE BGCOLOR="#FFFFCC" WIDTH="590"><TR><TD>
<B>Synopsis:</B><BR> In this 2nd article Dr Tarique Sani holds your hand through creation to your first Java Applet.
<BR><BR><B>Techniques:</B><BR> Java, Java Tutorials, Java Getting started


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