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BBS: Re: JavaScript error - August 31, 1998 at 08:50:44

You are here: irt.org | BBS | Re: JavaScript error [This BBS is closed]

Posted by Kevin McCormack on August 31, 1998 at 08:50:44:

In Reply to: Re: JavaScript error posted by Dan on August 28, 1998 at 14:06:21:

: : I created a multiform survey that uses a hidden form called "controlForm" to gather the answers. When I try to post to the hidden form, I get a JavaScript error "controlForm.dayOff is read-only". Where can I go to get the definitions of JavaScript errors?

: Without the code, my guess would be your are using "=" instead of "==" on the form validation. "=" assigns a value and you are probably trying to change a property of something that cannot be changed.

: I'm not attempting any validation. This is stricly a copy from a text field on one form to a hidden field on another. The process works fine for the first page of the survey, but crashes on the second. The script on the first page loads the next page using "location.href=" on click of a button. The second form is displayed, but you can't post any information to the hidden form using the "next" button on this second page. It works fine using Netscape 4.5 preview, but fails in Netscape 4.05 and IE4.


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