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BBS: Re: Variable as frame source. - August 24, 1998 at 20:28:02

You are here: irt.org | BBS | Re: Variable as frame source. [This BBS is closed]

Posted by john on August 24, 1998 at 20:28:02:

In Reply to: Variable as frame source. posted by Dan Hart on August 23, 1998 at 10:36:21:

: Is it possible to use a variable as the source of frame when loading it. What I want to do is load a frame who source is partially a variable entered by some one visiting the site. I would like to possibly open 4 at once. So I do not want to use separate windows. Thank You for your help

Without serverside script/CGI, it seems impossible.
But you can just fix the file name when first load the frame. and in the fixed html file, using javascript just like (this.location="http://...") to redirect to the URL you want.

You are here: irt.org | BBS | Re: Variable as frame source. [This BBS is closed]

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