You are here: | BBS | scrolling images in a frame [This BBS is closed]
Posted by Eddie on August 23, 1998 at 08:29:32:
I am wanting to make a frame with images scrolling down. I have done this
but problem is I cannot work out how to stop them scrolling because I cannot
have an infinite amount of images to keep scrolling down. I would like to
make the images 'bounce', so that when they reach the bottom they scroll
back up again, then down and so on. This is my script:
<body onLoad="moveDown ()">
<script language="JavaScript">
objectLeftPos = 0;
objectTopPos = 0;
function moveDown () {
if (document.all) {object =}
if (document.layers) {object = document.object1}
if (objectTopPos < 1) {
objectTopPos -= 10; = objectTopPos;
setTimeout ("moveDown ()",20)
} else {
objectTopPos += 10; = objectTopPos;
setTimeout ("moveDown ()",20)
<DIV ID="object1" STYLE="width:100;position:absolute;top:0;left:0">
<img src="67.jpg"><P>
<img src="1.jpg"><P>
<img src="567.jpg"><P>
I have tried for hours to make this work but I cannot think of a logical way
to do it.
I hope someone can help me
Steady Eddie
You are here: | BBS | scrolling images in a frame [This BBS is closed]